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Three Moments of an Explosion: Stories
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Franklin Barbecue: A Meat-Smoking Manifesto
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James Madison: A Biography
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The Pirate Coast: Thomas Jefferson, the First Marines, and the Secret Mission of 1805
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Plancha: 150 Great Recipes for Spanish-Style Grilling

Plancha: 150 Great Recipes for Spanish-Style Grilling - Liliane Otal, Pierre Bordet, Danielle McCumber it's a great topic, but in the effort to deliver 150 recipes, we end up with some unusual choices. Some were really great recipes, and I might very well try many of the dishes which are genuinely Spanish, and couldn't be made the same on anything but the unique cooking device which is Plancha cooking. Many of the marinades looked great as well. However, there's some recipes such as a recipe for Hamburger, which pretty much looks exactly like any hamburger. There are no especially Spanish ingredients or techniques, just a hamburger. Was the author stuck at 149? So while it's worth checking out for a marinade or idea, I don't think you're going to buy this and reference it over and over to mine new ideas for your home cooking from it.