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Three Moments of an Explosion: Stories
China Miéville
Operation Greylord: The True Story of an Untrained Undercover Agent and America's Biggest Corruption Bust
Terrence Hake, Wayne Klatt
Franklin Barbecue: A Meat-Smoking Manifesto
Aaron Franklin, Jordan Mackay
My System: 21st Century Edition
Aron Nimzowitsch
The Wheeling Year: A Poet's Field Book
Ted Kooser
The Origins of Political Order: From Prehuman Times to the French Revolution
Francis Fukuyama
My Struggle: Book 2: A Man in Love
Karl Ove Knausgård, Don Bartlett
James Madison: A Biography
Ralph Louis Ketcham
The Pirate Coast: Thomas Jefferson, the First Marines, and the Secret Mission of 1805
Richard Zacks

My Name Is Red (Everyman's Library (Cloth))

My Name Is Red - Orhan Pamuk First to note: I didn't finish this book.That said, let me tell you why:This book is beautifully written, no question, and presents engaging and masterfully conceived themes and leitmotivs. However, in a book where one of the themes is blindness, I thought I was going to go blind reading the interlocked passages of this book. The narrative techniques are stimulating, viewing events from the perspectives of a drawing, or a coin. But seriously...at times I almost thought about putting in eye drops, and I DETEST eye drops. Despite my love of difficult literature, and the love I'm experiencing for Joyce's Ulysses as I read that, this book was driving me crazy. Many people will love this award winner, and I'm not saying they are wrong. But this book was just wrong for ME.