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Currently reading

Three Moments of an Explosion: Stories
China Miéville
Operation Greylord: The True Story of an Untrained Undercover Agent and America's Biggest Corruption Bust
Terrence Hake, Wayne Klatt
Franklin Barbecue: A Meat-Smoking Manifesto
Aaron Franklin, Jordan Mackay
My System: 21st Century Edition
Aron Nimzowitsch
The Wheeling Year: A Poet's Field Book
Ted Kooser
The Origins of Political Order: From Prehuman Times to the French Revolution
Francis Fukuyama
My Struggle: Book 2: A Man in Love
Karl Ove Knausgård, Don Bartlett
James Madison: A Biography
Ralph Louis Ketcham
The Pirate Coast: Thomas Jefferson, the First Marines, and the Secret Mission of 1805
Richard Zacks

The Graveyard Book

The Graveyard Book - Neil Gaiman Like ghostly watercolors, Gaiman paints glowing images in eight chapters (and an interlude) touching on themes of death, family, and coming of age in this young adult novel. For those familiar with his work, you'll likely find enjoyment in the master storyteller's craft. Some readers might not enjoy the book simply because it's more young than they are adult, and that's an understandable complaint. The book shines in spite of it's flaws and weaknesses, of which there are many. Writing is a demanding art, and it's techniques not easily mastered. But the author's pure ability to simply tell a story is without question, and often without equal. I enjoyed the book, but was not challenged by it. I doubt a younger person will be challenged by it either, but they might be captivated. Worth Reading.